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From aging to childbirth, changes in weight or genetic predisposition, there are many reasons why the position of a woman’s breasts can change throughout her lifetime. These changes can result in a decrease in the volume of the breast, stretching of the skin, as well as an overall loss of shape.
If you are self-conscious about the appearance of your breasts, a breast lift could help restore and enhance your natural beauty. Also called a mastopexy, a breast lift is a procedure that tightens the skin, uplifting the breasts to their former position on the chest. The procedure also gives the nipples and areolas (the darker skin surrounding the nipples) a more youthful, attractive appearance.
During a breast lift, our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon uplifts the breast and removes excess skin. Once the breast is lifted, the surgeon skillfully places the remaining skin into its proper position. At the end of the procedure, breasts are firmer, and regain a more pleasing appearance. Proper placement of the nipples is also considered to achieve an ideal aesthetic result and to ensure a perky, youthful appearance.
On occasion, a breast “lift” may simply be a breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, which only involves adding more volume. When an actual repositioning of the breasts is required, a proper breast lift will enhance the shape and pertness.
Ohio Plastic Surgery Specialists can also offer a procedure for a simultaneous Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation. This procedure increases the size and fullness of the breasts while increasing firmness.
Curious if a breast lift could be right for you? Schedule a consultation with our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Walter Bernacki to explore your options for restoring the fresh, youthful appearance you desire.

I went to Dr. Bernacki for a breast lift and tummy tuck. He and his staff did everything they could to make me feel comfortable. Dr. Bernacki spent a good amount of time explaining the procedure and the expected outcome. After the surgery, I healed as expected and am very pleased with the result. I will definitely go to Dr. Bernacki in the future.
– Past Patient *